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Sid and Daisy joined us in the summer of 2020 and were re-homed to the farm by a local family. They love to eat sunflower seeds and spend time in their outside run.

Daisy, by nature is feisty.  Sidney is kind and gentle. 

Daisy loves digging tunnels and is often found trying to escape!

The rabbits are a firm favorite with the children.

Rabbits have great hearing and can turn their ears 180 degrees which allows them to pinpoint an exact location of sound.  Rabbits are actually sociable animals and don’t like to be alone. Rabbits are happiest when they are with other rabbits. Daisy and Sid are very happy together.

Guinea pigs 

We have four guinea pigs at the farm three girls; Honey, Caramel and Waffles and one boy called popcorn. Each of them have their own separate personalities and are all friendly.

All Guinea Pigs have a great appetite and will quickly finish off their food, they love herbs, hay and spinach.

They're favorite is sunflower seeds from your hand.

In the summer they love to roam in their outdoor enclosure where they eat grass all day and the occasional dandelion. 

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